Monday, March 7, 2016


When a man and woman make a conscious decision to build a relationship, love for each other will become the glue that holds them together. Love is not simply some romantic emotion, human love is a conscious decision to treat another person with a sense of value. 

Human love causes a man to see the intrinsic value in a woman: therefore, love leads him to honor and serve her, rather than improperly use her for his ego's intentions. When love is guiding him, he is concerned with her needs and her well-being, not fixated on his own wants and whims.

Human love causes a woman to see the intrinsic value in a man: he is not a projection of her unmet needs, but rather a soul whose journey she has the honor to encourage and nurture toward the joy of finding God's plan.

In the relationship, the strength of the “I”, or the individual, is not diminished: rather it is encouraged by what the “WE” is able to accomplish as a mutual task. While a piece of each “I” is sacrificed to the “WE”, it still remains the “I” but now finds greater joy in the strength of the “WE” which may not be experienced by the “I”.

How have you honored the value of your partner? My book "Forever Yours" explores this long term relationship as a couple move through life from college to the golden years. It is a story of the baby boomer generation but as one reviewer states "It is simply a beautiful journey through the complicated pathway of what we call life." Click here for more information on "Forever Yours."

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