Monday, October 30, 2017


It has been a while since our last posting as we have been relocating from New York to Florida. We talked about this move for a few years and finally it all came together. While we loved New York and the journey we shared there, this new stage in our lives is exciting and, given it is almost November, much warmer.

We will continue to provide counseling sessions for those who desire, but for now everything will be done on the internet using video sessions. We have about forty clients who are currently using the internet sessions and all agree it is much easier and more convenient than going to a therapist office. For more information go to our website at

The move has been somewhat stressful yet a fantastic time to truly place emphasis on the positive sides of our marriage and commitment to each other. A healthy relationship must be a conscious place of keeping positive energy and interaction.

What are the ingredients for a good relationship?  A partnership in relationship or romance must operate on the assumption that I am not better nor worse than the other person. I am simply an equal. I am equally wonderful and equally screwy as the person I care for. If they act poorly in circumstances, well, so do I. Without a sense of equality, there will be conflict containing a lot of blame and shame.  

What ingredients do I need to pour into this relationship to positively help it to grow?   In our experience, three areas are necessary for a good relationship

1. I feel I am significant to my partner, 
2. I feel I am respected by my partner, 
3. I feel I am a priority to my partner.

If we have a sense these three areas are working in our relationship, then we feel safe and can be vulnerable.  Think about your current or past relationship.  Do you (or did you) feel you are a priority to your partner?   Do they respect you and do they respond to you so you feel you are significant to them?   If you can answer yes to all three, you probably have a very compatible and safe relationship. If you don’t have these positive ingredients, then you most likely have left that relationship, or if you are still in it, it is probably not the safest place for your emotional stability.  
 So how do I establish a relationship that reflects these ingredients?  Simple; make a conscious choice to make my partner feel significant, respected, and a priority.   

The core understanding to any significant relationship is this , “the only person I have control over in the relationship is myself”.   I may desire my significant other to be different, but I cannot force them to change or line up with my expectations

Likewise, I cannot expect them to provide me a sense of respect, significance, or prioritization. However, I do have the ability to provide these core ingredients for them. If both parties are working to consciously provide respect, significance and prioritization to the other partner, then we will have harmonious relationship. 

If I am working to provide this for my partner, but they are not reciprocating, then I have to make a choice if I want to be in the relationship (see our blog on Choices).  In a relationship, which does not reflect a mutuality of respect, significance and priority, there will be an atmosphere of conflict in which both parties try to win an argument in order to establish their place of significance, respect , or priority

 Think about this, do you have a lot of arguments but most of the time you can’t remember what you were arguing about during the conflict?   If so, then there is a very strong chance one or both of the parties in the relationship is feeling disrespected, insignificant, or non-prioritized

If this is the case, remember, the only person you can change in the relationship is ……… you!   Share your thoughts or become a follower to the blog so we can send other information directly.  If this helps you, tell others. If it doesn’t  or if you have other topics you want to discuss, tell us.  Email us click here

 Dr. T and Dr. Jan.  

I Like Me

One of the primary requirements of good relationships is the ability to like yourself.  If we are counting on  someone to create our po...